The SIG-Sauer line of firearms, especially their handguns, are one of the few firearms, I would purchase and if need be, carry it for self-defense or combat, without actually taking the gun out to the range and testing it – to make sure it functioned. For duty purposes, the SEALs used the SIG P226 for many years, and are in the process of switching over to several other handguns, including the Glock 19 as well as the SIG P320 line. The SEALs only use the best of the best when it comes to everything. They are producing some outstanding holsters at more than fair prices, too.Īll I know is, if the US Navy SEALs put their faith in the P239 line, then I have confidence in this gun as well. And, if you haven’t checked out their line of holsters, then do yourself a favor, and please do so. However when I do, it is in a Craft Holsters leather hip holster. I suppose that it makes it less likely to catch on your clothing when you draw the gun. I should mention that the hammer is a bit short (smaller) than that found on other SIG hammer-fired pistols. When I bought it, it was still in like-new condition. My P239 9 TAC was “born” according to SIG in 2017, so this was close to the time SIG was about to discontinue this model. That is a distinct advantage for shooters with small hands. And, since this is a single-stack magazine fed gun, the grip circumference in quite a bit thinner than a double-stack magazine affords. The two-piece grip is textured polymer and stippled for a great grip. The sight radius is 5.2-inches and that gives a pretty fair sight picture. The gun is 1.18-inch wide – less than a 1911. The length of the gun is only 6.6-inches, and the height is 5.1-inches. The barrel on the standard P239 is 3.6-inches long and that’s a fair measurement for many concealed carry handguns if you ask me, the longer threaded barrel is half an inch more in length. When you want to stop shooting, you simply press down on the decocker, and the gun will revert to the double-action trigger pull. Tnd your first shot is a long, but smooth, 10-pound double-action pull – all shots after that are in single action – a short and light trigger pull of only 4-pounds. The P239 is a SA/DA pistol – once you load a round into the chamber, you press down on the decocker, on the left side of the frame and the hammer (safely) falls. With the SRT, after you fire a round, it only takes a very little movement or release of pressure on the SRT to reset it. But you can have a short reset (SRT) installed on many of the hammer-fired SIGs. It also has a short reset trigger – and I love this option on SIGs. The slide has the Nitron coating – tough stuff – but the slide is made out of stainless steel, so not much chance of it rusting. The 9 TAC model that I have has SIGLite night sights, as well as a threaded barrel, that can accept a sound suppressor – not that I have one, nor would I jump through the red tape to get one, but its there just the same. 40 S&W – but the 9mm was the most popular chambering. The SIG has an aluminum frame, whereas the Glock has a polymer frame and that saves a lot of extra weight versus the SIG. So, the Glock has several advantages over the SIG – in lighter weight, as well as holding more than double the number of rounds in it. Additionally, the SIG only holds 8+1 rounds of 9mm while the Glock holds 15+1 - or you can insert larger capacity Glock-compaible mags up to 40-rounds these days. However, the SIG weighs in at 29.5-ounces empty and the Glock 19 is about 20-ounces empty. If you compare a P239 side-by-side with a Glock 19, they are almost the same size. The US Navy SEALs often carried the P239 in 9mm when operating in plain clothes. Just that it was – and is – a bit too big for its intended purpose. The standard (used) P239 in 9mm is selling for about $700 if you can find one. SIG jumped in on the concealed carry craze a little bit too late, with this design and with a “dated” design if you ask me. Last time I checked, the only P239 9 TAC model was selling for close to $1,100. The entire line was made from 1996 until 2018 and then discontinued for a number of reasons. The SIG P239 9 TAC model was a very limited run. Keep in-mind that you usually get what you pay for, and SIG firearms are precision tools – they are “that” good. Now made in the USA, the price came down quite a bit, but they are still expensive. They are now made in the USA – thankfully – before that, they were made in Germany, and there was a big price to pay for those guns – with import fees, currency exchange rates, and taxes. The only downside to this is that all SIG firearms are expensive. Anyone who is the least bit familiar with the SIG-Sauer line of handguns, knows that they are outstanding firearms, and in demand.